
Hello everyone, welcome to Basement Electronics!

I created my YouTube channel because I wanted to learn more about electronics and how they work. I figured the best way to do this was by recording myself explaining the concepts I had just learned. As a result, you get to hear me explain something I, myself had just learned.

I am not an expert – far from it. I am exploring anything and everything I can find having to do with electronics and sharing my experiences.

I hope by the end of the video, I have a better understanding of what I’m talking about and you find my videos interesting if not informative.

I created this web site because a lot of viewers were asking me questions. I try my best to answer what I can. This usually means I have to bury myself in a bunch of Google searches because the last thing I want to give is bad advise. Sometimes, I’m not successful and I feel bad about that. These people reached out for help.

To solve this, I am putting a public forum together. It is my hope that if I can’t solve these problems, the community can. My only request is that everybody stay respectful. We all had to start somewhere.

Thank you for joining me here, and I hope we can all make this a place for learning.